13. Letter from Linnaeus von Roslin to Polonius

Day 75,043

Dear Polonius,

I hope that your journey in the Outer Darkness is going well. Though I know you will not receive this until you have returned, I wanted to be sure that you would have some notice that I will be leaving the world of Dagr within the next few days. One of my agents has found the blade. I’ve tasked the others with finding a wielder. Hopefully we can rid ourselves of the Exarchate before they regain access to their old portal network. If you have need of me, I will be returning to my observatory in my home universe.

Recently, I visited Ward, as we discussed. There are signs that one of Zer Manetho’s wayward creations has been sniffing around, but I was unable to follow the thing into the depths of the mental plane. I did, however, take some rubbings of the runic inscriptions I mentioned in my last letter. Perhaps you will find them interesting.

Kindest regards,

Linnaeus von Roslin