15. Reply from One Pen Pal to Another

Y93 M01 D01

To My Pen Pal:

With the beginning of the year comes cold, icy weather. I hope that you and your family remain safe and warm even as you continue caring for the guests as your inn. In the ████████ household, we spent the day enjoying various traditional foods and composing poems related to the season. This is the first I wrote for the holiday: 

Icy white crystals fall
The whole earth glitters and gleams
Winter storms begin

It is undoubtedly the work of an amateur, but I hope you may still find something to enjoy in it. I would never share this with my father, but I composed an additional poem in secret. This one is meant only for your eyes: 

The pain of solitude
A friend’s words read in silence
Relief comes at last

I accept your gratitude, but I feel that it is misplaced. I deeply value your friendship, so there is no need to thank me. Instead, I ought to be the one thanking you. As you know, my father’s position in the ████████████ government keeps my family quite busy, and I have little interest in the students at my current high school. Your letters are all that break up the monotony of this existence. 

Please accept my apologies for doubting our ability to remain friends following graduation. Fate will surely bring us together somehow. When that day comes, I would be happy to view fireworks at your side.


Your Pen Pal