17. Another Letter between Pen Pals

Y93 M01 D05

To My Pen Pal:

Thanks for sending the poems! I really loved them! You’ve gotten so much better since we started writing each other. I blushed a little when I read the one you wrote just for me, and I tried writing a poem for you too. Here it is:

Friends at a distance
Hearts ache for one another
Forbidden by law
Both pray to the stars above
Their deepest wishes granted
Love ultimately prevails

I tried to make it sound like something you would write. I hope you aren’t offended, since it definitely didn’t come out as well as yours did. Just like you, I’ll keep practicing so that we can work on them together one day.

I’m glad you feel the same way about our friendship, but I still feel grateful to you. I think it’s alright for us both to feel gratitude towards each other, right? In fact, it’s probably the best we could hope for! 

Today I have to keep the letter a little short. I spent too much time away from my chores already to come up with the poem. I’ll make it up to you in the next letter!


Your Pen Pal ♡

P. S. Have you ever gotten a chance to see the Abe-Iga Hotel? I saw some pictures of it on a brochure recently! It looks so pretty!