18. Another Reply to a Pen Pal

Y93 M01 D08

To My Pen Pal:

As winter continues, one cannot help but take refuge in the glowing warmth of the hearth. I hope the cold weather gives you an opportunity to spend more time bonding with your family. 

Your poem touched me deeply. I did not expect you to write one in response to my own. You praised me for improving in my writing, but it seems you have surpassed me before I even noticed. I will be sure to double my efforts so that I may remain an interesting correspondent. 

Master █████ will be coming by today to train me in Masatomo Kenpo today, so I will need to be brief as well. I have indeed seen the Abe-Iga Hotel. My family visited it when it first opened, and we were impressed with its unique architectural style. It has since been surpassed as the tallest building in the city, but I still believe it is worthy of consideration when discussing our country’s recent achievements.

Before I end this letter, I wish to ask you a question. Have you had any unusual dreams lately? For several nights, I have been far more lucid than normal while asleep. This morning, I overheard my father and mother having a conversation about their own dreams, which is quite strange for them. Please forgive me if this is too personal a topic.


Your Pen Pal