27. A Diary Entry

Y93 M01 D17

Dear diary,

Rained all day today. Fits the mood around here pretty well. Gramma Voigt’s in bed with the flu, so mom’s busy (& stressed) taking care of her. Dad’s drinking again. Gramma & Grampa Doda try to help out, but it’s kinda sad watching them. Can hardly clean one bedroom between the two of them before they have to stop. Cousin Elias’s useless when there aren’t festivals going on, but that’s not new. Lil bro’s been doing nothing but sulking in our room after his chores are done. Least there’s not tons of work to do. Some guys from Sarashi came out to close a lot of the roads anyway, so we’re not getting alotta guests. 

Grandma Voigt’s gonna get better soon & mom’ll probably get dad to stop again. Can’t do a lot about Gramma & Grampa Doda or Elias. Think I figured out what’s wrong with bro at least. Found a crumpled up letter between his mattress and boxspring. Guess he got kicked out of that stupid pen pal thing. Didn’t expect the reason, but not gonna write it down here. Thinking of just tossing out the letter. Obvious that mom & dad didn’t see it. Maybe I’ll do him a favor and fill out a new application so he stops moping. Hope he doesn’t get so friendly with the next one. 

Sucks, but I gotta talk to bro about this mess. Always suspected anyway. Going into town tomorrow to pick up varnish and a new mophead. Might drag him along. Can use the new application to make him if he tries to lock himself up in the room again. Letter from the program is the nuclear option.

I’ll let you know how it goes, diary.