35. Abe-Iga Journal Horoscope Section

Horoscopes for Y93 M01 D21

by Dante de la Vega

Beetle (M01 D20 to M02 D18)

Expect warnings from beyond in the form of nightmares. Your love life will run into trouble because of issues with family. Look for opportunities at work but beware of schemers.

Vulture (M02 D19 to M03 D20)

Ambitious Beetles may get in your way at work. Push them out of the way gently, without confronting them directly. Now is a great time to purge your house of ill will and wicked spirits.

Monitor (M03 D21 to M04 D19)

It is a good time to confront your relatives about their toxic relationships. They will thank you for it in time. Just be careful not to jump to judgement too quickly. Don’t forget to pay the gods tribute.

Mantis (M04 D20 to M05 D20)

If you have lost touch with someone, now is the time to reach out. Do not be disheartened if they reject you. Remember they felt the pain of separation as well. Work diligently and keep out of office politics.

Hawk (M05 D21 to M06 D20)

This year, you should consider forgiving those who have hurt you. Be careful to separate those who are truly sorry from those who just want something. Your recent luck with money is coming to an end.

Serpent (M06 D21 to M07 D22)

Don’t be afraid to say no to bad deals. A Mantis may need to cry on your shoulder. Take the opportunity to strengthen your bonds. You will have an opportunity to profit at someone else’s expense.

Ant (M07 D23 to M08 D22)

Do not judge those around you too harshly. Keep in mind that everyone has flaws. They will remember your compassion later. Gather supplies for a future emergency.

Dove (M08 D23 to M09 D22)

Now is not the time to seek romance from Hawks. Reserve your heart for Crows and Vultures. A promotion is coming, but you must be ready to seize it before it is given to a Serpent or Beetle. 

Chameleon (M09 D23 to M10 D22)

Try some new foods this month. You may find your new favorite in an unexpected place. Work will be boring for a few weeks, which will give you more time to focus on love, possibly with a Cricket.

Cricket (M10 D23 to M11 D21)

Keep to your normal routine and let love come to you. It is not a good time for external experimentation, so you should instead focus on developing yourself internally. Meditation is the key.

Crow (M11 D22 to M12 D21)

A loved one will bring you good news in a dream. It will take some work on your part to make it come true, however. Seek help from Doves but avoid Crickets and Geckos. 

Gecko (M12 D22 to M01 D19)

You have been working on a personal project for some time. It is time to really give it your all, though you should not compromise your current commitments. Take advantage of your good luck this month.

Today, we are also happy to announce that we will be polling readers regarding a proposed expansion to our journal’s horoscope section! Please use the enclosed postcard to respond to this simple yes or no question:

Would you like the Abe-Iga Journal to add an additional page so that we can include authentic Northward-style horoscopes based on their day-by-day system of astrology? The reverse of the page will include celebrity stories relevant to the horoscopes, as well as a single half-page advertisement.