40. Letter from a Witch to an Heir

Day 7
Moon 9
Teru 211

Dear Master Akio, 

I am sure you will be very happy to hear that your father has granted my request for reassignment to Atossa Island. It will take a few days to arrange for transport, but I am eager to serve at your side again. After all, someone has to protect you from the antiquated and stuffy ideas Galdr will no doubt try to force on you! Remember, Master Akio, an Exarch cannot allow himself to be ruled by the opinions of his underlings!

Before you left the Dromon, you asked me about some of the horrors rumored to exist in forgotten corners of the world. I am sorry that I could not answer you at the time. My work for your father kept me a bit too busy, I am afraid. Since then, I have had time to think on the matter. In my opinion, an evil that needs to hide in shadows can never be as powerful as the legends make it out to be. Those who are truly mighty neither need to boast about nor hide their strength. Riddle-spouting hags and monsters living in twisted dens will never inspire quite as much terror as dark warriors who do as they please without answering to higher powers or covering up their crimes.

I hope my advice has been of some help to you! Please tell Galdr that I am coming. It will help me to sleep well at night knowing that he is stewing in his own anger for the next few days. 

⸻Kodoku the Haruspex