42. Letter from a Benefactor

Dear Mr. Graves:

Please forgive my slow response to your reports and letters. I am afraid that I have been away on business. Fortunately, it seems you have gained a rather firm understanding of my usual methods. I look forward to the delivery of everything you found, and I will begin the process of restoring the scrolls as best I can.

There is no need to trouble yourself with finding the previous set of raiders. If all they took was a bit of gold, they can have it. That said, just to be sure that it does not attract attention from certain rivals of mine, I would ask that you make sure the structure is destroyed. Naturally, I am happy to fund the demolition. 

I realize that I have been working your company to the bone lately, but a new site has caught my attention. You will be happy to know that this one can be found close to your own home on Atossa Island. I have arranged for a ship to transport you to the Lauric Protectorate after you finish your current delivery. Please let me know if this is inconvenient for you. Unfortunately, I am in a bit of a hurry to investigate this particular set of ruins, as I have recently learned that a fleet from the Craterlands was spotted off the island’s coast. If you do accept the job, you can expect hazard pay. 

Stay well, Mr. Graves. I look forward to hearing your answer to my request.


Sir Hyades of Edin