43. The Exarch’s Reply to a Subordinate

Day 19
Moon 9
Teru 211


I am indeed pleased to hear that Akio has reached the island safely. You have always been a loyal advisor, and I have no doubt that you will not fail me. My son has grown arrogant in his time aboard the Dromon. Remember that, though he may outrank you in political matters, I have given you and you alone command of the Ninth Droungarios. Do not allow your loyalty to the Omphalion Seal or your concern for the boy to cloud your judgement. You must not sacrifice our objectives on Atossa for the sake of his pride.

It is disappointing, though not surprising, that Port Balica has responded in this way. Our campaign on the mainland has kept the bulk of our forces occupied, so I do not wish for you to waste any resources on the conquest of such a small colony. Focus your efforts on taking the Protectorate and keep Akio’s aggression in check. To him, Balica will appear to be an easy prize.

Finally, I wish for you to send spies among House Bromia. The Protomagistros believes that an interloper seeks the Sword of Skara. I am unconvinced that the blade still exists, but it would be unwise to ignore the possibility entirely. Other agents are already looking into the identity of this outsider. If it is merely some collector from another world, it may be to our benefit to have it removed from this place once and for all. I expect you to keep me informed on this matter.

Exarch Teru