19. Yet Another Letter Between Pen Pals

Y93 M01 D11

To My Pen Pal:

It’s really nice of you to say that you liked my poem! I’m not sure I’m really as good as you say. You’ve been doing this sort of thing for so long, and I’m just starting to get a hang of it. Besides, even if I do get good, I’ll owe it all to you! I never would’ve given it a try if it weren’t for you! 

Good luck with your training. I know you’ll do great! Please tell me all about it in your next letter. Is it a hard martial art to learn? My grandpa used to do one he calls Ringen before he settled down with grandma. I don’t really have the strength for that kind of thing, though. 

It’s funny that you mention dreams. Actually, I’ve been having a recurring one for a few nights now! Well, maybe not exactly recurring. The details change, but it’s always in the same forest. For some reason, I’m always a panda bear! It feels like I’m looking for something, though I’m never sure what that is. What do you do in your dreams?

Hope to hear back from you soon!


Your Pen Pal ♡