30. The Extinguished: Prologue, Part 4

It is dark and you are lost.

A few minutes ago, you entered the corridor you had opened with your glamor spell, only to find that it had no source of light to guide you. Now, this was not a problem in itself. You simply placed one now-chitinous hand on the wall and sensed the aetherial flow around you to help navigate. The deeper you went, however, the more overwhelmed you became by a surge of aetheric activity coming from the great mass in the ziggurat’s depths. Wave after wave of that fundamental, universal material washed over you, confusing your senses. Despite this, you could not help but notice that the wall became smoother and smoother, green bricks melding together into a surface like that of stone corroded by flowing water. It became the focus of your attention as you walked. That is, until you felt your hand suddenly slip off the edge. 

Immediately, you tried to reach back and connect with the wall again, but you found nothing there. You took a few steps back, but the hallway was gone. Somehow, you were now in a great expanse. To make matters worse, the waves of aether were coming more frequently, and each one was much more intense than the last. You tried to press on, hoping you would come across something solid, but you were only met with more aether crashing against you, making your head throb and your skin sting with its intensity. Eventually, it became too much to bear, and you collapsed.

Now you are awake again and laying on the ground, but darkness still surrounds you. The aetheric barrage must have stopped some time after you lost consciousness. Something has certainly changed, though. The floor feels different. It feels somehow more solid, and it is colder. You are no longer able to sense the mass inside the ziggurat, so you begin to wonder whether or not you have been sent to some other part of the mental plane. A quick attempt at teleportation casts doubt on that idea, however, as you find that you are still unable to leave this place using your own power. For now, you simply stare up at the endless dark as you consider your next move.

Seconds or perhaps minutes later, you see a twinkling little speck of light pop into existence far above. Another soon joins it, then another. Before your eyes, countless points of green light fill the sky. As more and more appear, your blurry vision stops being able to easily differentiate between many of the clustered little stars, making them appear as a haze of different shades of green. 

“Toku? Are you out here?” a rather feminine voice behind you asks.

You stand and turn around. There are more lights around you now. Rather than distant stars, they are glowing green rectangles built into the metallic floor beneath you. They provide little light, but you can see that you are standing on something even larger than the ziggurat. Its massive metal hull stretches on as far as you can see. Its roof, upon which you stand, is straight and flat. Every 50 meters or so, there is a cylindrical structure, which you assume acts as an entrance to the larger edifice. You assume this, of course, because the one nearest to you currently has its doors open, letting out bright green light and leaving you unable to make out more than just the silhouette of the bipedal insectoid in front of you. 

“Toku?” she asks again. “Are you feeling ill? I know you enjoy viewing the stars, but it is unlike you to leave a banquet just to come up here!”

Of course, you are not at all familiar with the speaker. You suspect this is a case of mistaken identity, but you get the sense that it may be unsafe to reveal that you are an imposter. Instead, you mutter a quick apology under your breath and follow the other person inside.

“You really are lucky that I came after you,” she says. “If you had stayed out here staring at the sky for any longer, you would have missed Prince Aethon’s visit to the lower decks! I know how proud you are of the engine. It would be simply awful if you were not there to see his reaction to it!”

As you pass silently through the doorway, your eyes take a moment to adjust to the light. You see that you are inside of a lift. Beneath your feet, you find a plush, dark green carpet. The glowing walls and ceiling are green as well, albeit a much brighter shade. Even your companion, you soon realize, is forest green with mint stripes! You feel that you stand out a bit, considering how your red markings contrast against the world around you.

“Oh,” your companion says, taking your silence as an invitation to keep talking. “I should apologize. It only now occurs to me that you may have already known that he would be coming. Is that why you stepped away from the banquet? Well, you have no reason to worry! The engine all of you put together is flawless! I have it on good authority that His Royal Highness is looking for someone to upgrade his own! That, my sources tell me, is why he has come all this way!”

The doors close and the lift begins to descend, though you do not recall seeing the other insectoid creature activate any switch or push any button. While you wait to reach your destination, you try to get a sense of what may lie deeper in the ship, but you cannot feel any aetherial masses or streams around you. That is not to say that you cannot feel any aether at all, of course! Instead, it feels like a thick fog surrounding you on all sides. Naturally, this leaves you feeling somewhat concerned. After all, you can see and hear the lift’s other occupant, but she is aetherically indistinguishable from the empty air between the two of you.

Not that she notices your concerns, instead just continuing to prattle on about whatever is going on in this place. “I, for one, have always believed in you and your team! Not just because of our shared lineage, mind you. I have never been one to deny the accomplishments of the other houses—I am sure you recall my praise for House Bennetti’s little menagerie—so you know that I am at least a little impartial! As impartial as you can expect from a member of our house, in fact! Rest assured, then, that I know what I am talking about when I say that you have nothing to fear! I have no doubt that His Royal Highness will see your value just as clearly as I do, if not more clearly!” 

The lift comes to a stop as you mutter a word of thanks to the stranger. It seems to be enough for her, as she is left looking pleased with herself. Slowly, the doors slide open again, allowing you two to continue deeper into the stellar palace.

29. A Page of Rejected Poems

Y93 M01 D18



Dear diary,

Not actually talking to you right now, but I don’t have anywhere else to practice.

Roses are red ←Pretty generic
You’re kind of a tool
It’s starting to rain ←Maybe?
Stop being sad
It’s kind of a pain
⇈Why so mean???⇈

There once was a boy from Westward ←Limericks never go anywhere good!

⮦Looks like lil bro likes this type.⮧

Father and Mother
Run our family’s home
⮄Not enough syllables! 

Family ties us ← Starting with an F is good. Gives me an idea!
Brothers, coworkers, and friends ← Make it start with an R!
Relatives, coworkers, and friends ←Not enough now! Brother = Relative???
Roommates, brothers, and friends ←7!✔
All roles we play ←7!✔ On a roll!
Never are we apart ←6 ☹ Called it too early.

Let’s try again

Friendship ties us ←4
Friendship binds us both←5
Relatives, true, but so much more←7
Accomplices, roommates←7
Allies, roommates←5
Nothing to separate us←7

Words that start with Z

zoom, zone, zap, zen, zing, zoo, zany, zeal, zealous, zinc, zenith, zephyr, zombie, zesty

Z is a difficult letter←7

Zealously your big brother←7

↑Weird. Sounds kinda like flirting (weirder!!!)

Getting late. Gotta find a good one if I wanna do this by morning. Dictionary might help.

28. A Follow-Up Diary Entry

Y93 M01 D18



Dear diary,

Cloudy day today. 

Lil bro’s an idiot. Asked him to come with to town. Didn’t wanna. Told him I’d fill out the app for him. Said he didn’t wanna do pen pals anymore. Told him I saw the letter. He didn’t say anything else ‘til we got to town. 

Hope Elias has kids one day. Maybe then me & bro can do whatever. Kind of lucky that it was just some guy he’s never met. Harder when you figure it out with someone closer to home. Had some extra cash, so we had some snacks. Calmed him down a little. Agreed to sign up and give it another try. Picked up forms on the way home. Still can’t do mom’s signature, but it only needs dad’s.

After we got home, bro let me read some letters. Wrote every letter twice apparently so he’d have copies. Kept all the ones he got from his pal. Kinda creepy. Not sure if he should get rid of them. Probably fine. Everyone’s way too busy with their own stuff to read all this crap. Tempted to tell him to get rid of them anyway. Would love to have some space in the desk again.

Taking another look while he helps mom & Grandma Doda make dinner. Soup again tonight for us. Maybe I can swipe some of the curry they’re making for the guests. Getting off-topic.

Bro fell in pretty deep. Other guy did too. Trying not to gag from poems. Is he really into this stuff? Know how to cheer him up when he’s really down but don’t know if I can actually pull it off. Worth a shot.

I’ll let you know how it goes, diary.

27. A Diary Entry

Y93 M01 D17

Dear diary,

Rained all day today. Fits the mood around here pretty well. Gramma Voigt’s in bed with the flu, so mom’s busy (& stressed) taking care of her. Dad’s drinking again. Gramma & Grampa Doda try to help out, but it’s kinda sad watching them. Can hardly clean one bedroom between the two of them before they have to stop. Cousin Elias’s useless when there aren’t festivals going on, but that’s not new. Lil bro’s been doing nothing but sulking in our room after his chores are done. Least there’s not tons of work to do. Some guys from Sarashi came out to close a lot of the roads anyway, so we’re not getting alotta guests. 

Grandma Voigt’s gonna get better soon & mom’ll probably get dad to stop again. Can’t do a lot about Gramma & Grampa Doda or Elias. Think I figured out what’s wrong with bro at least. Found a crumpled up letter between his mattress and boxspring. Guess he got kicked out of that stupid pen pal thing. Didn’t expect the reason, but not gonna write it down here. Thinking of just tossing out the letter. Obvious that mom & dad didn’t see it. Maybe I’ll do him a favor and fill out a new application so he stops moping. Hope he doesn’t get so friendly with the next one. 

Sucks, but I gotta talk to bro about this mess. Always suspected anyway. Going into town tomorrow to pick up varnish and a new mophead. Might drag him along. Can use the new application to make him if he tries to lock himself up in the room again. Letter from the program is the nuclear option.

I’ll let you know how it goes, diary.

26. An Acceptance Letter

Y93 M01 D17

To Ms. Angela Costley:

Having reviewed your application for the 93 summer internship here at Rakuso Labs, I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted. Allow me to be the first to congratulate you on earning this competitive position at our institution. Each year, more than three thousand physics students apply, but only twelve are ever accepted. Former interns have gone on to some of the world’s top universities, and many have since opened labs of their own. I speak for all of us when I say that we are excited to see what you will do with this opportunity!

In light of your status as a foreign student, I wish to remind you that, while lodging, food, and a small stipend are provided to interns, you must make your own travel arrangements. Please find enclosed Westward Ministry of Education Form JQ-71, which you may use to prove that you have received an internship offer when applying for a visa. We usually suggest that students arrive a few days in advance to give themselves enough time to get settled in at the dormitories. The closest airport is Sarashi National Airport, and buses leave for Tanmono daily. You should have no trouble finding your way here!

Finally, allow me to give you a small taste of what you will spend your summer researching. You will be working with mineral samples taken from a nearby forest during a recent earthquake in the Sarashi Metropolitan Area. I will not go into detail in this letter, but they possess unique qualities that we believe will allow us to test some of the most fundamental theories in our field. I find that students are often eager to begin reading up on research topics in the months before their internship, but this is a sufficiently new subject that the first papers about it are coming from our own team! It is very exciting stuff!

I wish you good luck on your trip and look forward to meeting you in person.


Katsuo Sugimoto

Senior Research Assistant

Rakuso Labs

25. The Extinguished: Prologue, Part 3

You cannot help but feel that you have been walking down this corridor for too long. So far, it has been completely straight, with no intersecting hallways, and no changes in elevation except for a small set of three steps near the entrance. Now, it is not so strange for places within mental realms to violate the usual laws governing reality, so you are not surprised to find that the already impressive structure is even larger on the inside. Your concerns instead stem from the fact that you have been walking at least half an hour without seeing anything of interest. Mental realms are often terrifying and sometimes amusing. You have not known them to be particularly boring. 

Rather than continue walking endlessly, you decide to stop and inspect the glowing sigils that decorate the walls and light your path. They look vaguely familiar. In the past, you have seen others use symbols like these when casting various spells. With your innate ability to sense the aether around you, there was never any real need for you to learn such indirect methods of manipulating the world around you. Though these resemble what you have seen before, they do not seem to have the same magical properties. Feeling the aether that flows through them, you note that they are only enchanted to glow.

The sections of wall between them, on the other hand… 

Earlier on, you noticed that some of the bricks have a different aetheric pattern. They are always the ones forming unmarked portions of the corridor walls. At the time, you did not think much of it. Whatever magic had been woven into those carefully cut slabs of green stone seems to be incomplete. Now, you are beginning to think that you are meant to complete the enchantment in some way. Presumably, the sigils around you are supposed to be a guide.

Focusing on one of the sigils in particular, you distinctly remember having seen it etched onto a page of a dusty old tome on your own homeworld. Just as you are a stranger here, the owner of the book was a stranger on Abbe. That gives you some idea of what magic he may have been using. Well, at least you hope it does. For all you know, the book you are remembering was some sort of guide to using magic in the kitchen. Best not to dwell on all the possibilities, though. This is the only hint you have, so you will try to make the most of it.

As a traveler, you know that he used a number of teleportation spells. You feel a tiny bit of hope at the thought. If the ziggurat has been waiting to receive such magic, perhaps the dampening of your own efforts to ride the aetherial currents are a result of whatever threads were woven together to create this puzzle. It may be nothing more than wishful thinking, but you hope that solving this may allow you to move freely through this realm. Reaching out, you attempt to focus on the way the aether moves through the wall, forming complex patterns and… 

Ah. That’s right. The gap in the pattern.

You are not so fortunate after all. An attempt to weave a teleportation spell into the gap in this section of wall would likely teleport you to the next empty section, which has an identical pattern of aether. As its own gap would not be filled, you would simply be teleported into the wall itself—if you could pull off the teleportation at all, that is. It is a rather gruesome fate, and you would prefer to avoid it if at all possible. Filling all of the gaps simultaneously is out of the question as well. The passage is simply too long.

Since the teleportation idea proved to be a dead end, you consider alternatives. A translation spell could not reveal the meaning of the symbols but could potentially fill the gap in the magic. A scrying spell could do it as well, though you somehow doubt it will let you see deeper into the structure, considering the limitations already placed on your abilities. Perhaps a spell of flight would work. You can imagine the wall segment sliding upwards to reveal the path forward, so this seems somehow appropriate. Yes, that might work.

Again, you focus on the threads, carefully weaving some of the realm’s spare aether into a light, airy spell, which you cast upon the wall. It seems to be going well. Your own magic is weaving itself into that of the ziggurat with ease. As the final pieces come together, you sense a shift in the flow, and… and… 

…you feel yourself being tossed into the air by the uncontrollable magic of your own spell. You bump your head on the ceiling and barely manage to catch yourself as you fall, narrowly avoiding cracking your skull open on the hard floor. There is no doubt in your mind that this will leave bruises. At the very least, you can rule out offensive spells and any others that may cause severe injuries if reflected back at you. 

You decide that the next attempt needs to be with something relatively harmless, lest your own magic bring about your end. Thinking back to the other traveler, an idea immediately comes to mind. In his time on Abbe, you witnessed him using a simple glamor spell to keep his true appearance a secret from the local humans. Even if it is turned against you, it only changes the outward appearance, so you should still be able to continue using your powers to sense the world around you and to navigate this accursed ziggurat. 

At first, your latest effort seems to fail. You weave the spell into the gap, you sense a shift in the aether, then you feel the magic backfire. Before your eyes, your soft skin turns into a hard exoskeleton. Red specks decorate its blue-black exterior. As it covers your fingers, they seem to become thinner and more rigid, each now ending in a rather sharp point. The walls around you appear so much taller as you lose about a third of your original height. At the same time, your body becomes wider and more muscular. From your forehead, a small pair of useless black antennae jut out, completing your transformation into some insectoid creature. 

Just as you are about to let out your frustrations with your new form, you feel the aether shift once again. The section of wall begins to open, splitting into two halves, each of which slides to one side and disappears into the neighboring bits of wall. The sight leaves you slightly disappointed. On the other side, there are no glowing sigils to light your way, but this is the only way forward. You attempt to dispel the glamor, only to find it an impossible task. It seems you are stuck this way for now.

24. One Acquaintance’s Response to Another


DATE: Y93 M01 D15




sry lsr. cnt gt it 4 u. 2 mch ¥¥¥. cnt tk ur wrd dat ull pay. tlkn 2k¥+ 4 1 pll. u gtta tk ery dy. 60k¥+/mth. mb ur gud 4 it. mb nt. im nt gna covr u. 

dnt wry tho. i stl gt ur bak. nxt tim ur in t cty il tk u 2 t guy. if u gt t ¥¥¥ hel huk u up.

<3 <3 <3 <3 Hokusai <3 <3 <3 <3

23. An E-mail from One Acquaintance to Another


DATE: Y93 M01 D14




i just heard back. they cant do it bc im too young. most of the email looked copypasted. must get alot of these.

dont wanna waste your time whining tho. know you get stuff in the city. anything you can do about this? generic name of the med is acetylpolygabalus. brand name is polycetylex (not much better imo). its not the fun stuff i know you buy for yourself but worth a try.

lemme know.


22. An E-mail in Response to a Request


DATE: Y93 M01 D14



Dear Kaiser78,

Thank you for your e-mail about our program. At Sarashi Medical Group, we are constantly striving to be on the cutting edge of medical research, and we always appreciate those patients and prospective patients who show interest in our work. To answer your question, the landmark court case Yoshizawa v. Ministry of Public Health set the following requirements for minors wishing to begin what the law classifies as transformative hormone therapy:

  1. Must be over the age of 15.
  2. Must have written, notarized approval from legal guardians.
  3. Must attend at least 7 evaluations with a licensed psychiatrist and receive formal approval from the same psychiatrist. These evaluations must be no less than 1 month and no more than 2 months apart.
  4. Must attend at least 2 family counseling sessions with their legal guardians and any siblings or other relatives living at the same address. The first must come no less than 2 weeks and no more than 4 weeks before the first psychiatric evaluation. The second must come no less than 2 weeks and no more than 4 weeks after the final psychiatric evaluation.
  5. Must submit a notice to the Bureau of Vital Records no less than 3 weeks and no more than 6 weeks before beginning the approved treatment.

As you can see, it is currently illegal for minors to begin treatment without parental consent. We understand that this policy can cause difficulties for those living in socially conservative households, and we are constantly working with advocacy groups to better inform the public about the dangers of such unreasonably legal barriers. Unfortunately, we are currently unable to offer any treatment without the approval of your guardians. If you are able to get their consent, we also ask that you keep the following in mind:

  • Currently, no medical insurance company based in Westward offers any plan covering treatments classified as transformative hormone therapy. Additionally, there are no plans covering any related hospital stays, outpatient procedures, or prescription medications.
  • There are several ongoing legal cases in which insurance companies have refused to cover treatment for medical conditions they believe were brought on or exacerbated by a patient’s history of receiving transformative hormone therapy. 
  • Due to legislation banning public funding of treatments classified as transformative hormone therapy and a general lack of private funding for the same, Sarashi Medical Group requires that all patients pay their bills at the time of service. We recognize that this is often difficult for families, so we partner with several institutions to offer private financing.
  • The Safe Therapies Act limits which practitioners are able to provide treatments classified as transformative hormone therapy. Sarashi Medical Group is the only practice able to offer these services in the Sarashi Metropolitan Area, and it is one of only three in the entire nation. We are also proud to say that we are the largest such practice in Westward, having twelve physicians licensed under the act.
  • Because they are legally considered elective procedures rather than necessary forms of medical intervention, treatments classified as transformative hormone therapy do not qualify for the legal protections offered by the national Equality in Work and School Act. As such, patients may be required to disclose that they are receiving or have received such treatments based on institutional policies or local legislation. The legality of discrimination against patients is yet to be decided on a national level, but local courts have, thus far, ruled in favor of employers and school administrators.

We would also like to remind you that medical practitioners, pharmacists, school counselors, and teachers are required by the Parent-Child Rights Act of 71 to report interest in treatments classified as transformative hormone therapy to legal guardians. While we are unable to report to the families of minors who, like yourself, reach out to us via anonymous e-mail services, any identifying information you provide may force us to comply with this requirement.

Please know that we do not agree with these policies. It is our stance that they exist simply to discourage patients from seeking the medical assistance they require to live their lives to the fullest. In addition to mitigating damage by working with our advocacy partners, we actively try to discourage language we believe paints these treatments in a negative light. For example, we object to the phrase “transformative hormone therapy” and make it a point to remind those around us that this is a poorly-defined legal term used to refer to a broad range of treatments, not all of which involve the use of hormones or extreme changes to the body. Indeed, some of the treatments we offer have the opposite effect, instead preventing the body from undergoing changes that would cause the patient distress. Until the legislature and the courts gain a deeper understanding of these issues, however, we can do little more than comply.

Allow us to extend our sincerest apologies for not being able to help you any further. We hope that you will continue to think of us when looking for medical care in the future. In the meantime, please visit our website at sarashimedicalgroup.ward for free educational resources on the topic we have discussed today, as well as on hundreds of others. 

Thank you again for reaching out to us.


Dr. Pauline Carpenter
Director of Urology
Sarashi Medical Group

21. The Extinguished: Prologue, Part 2

Thanks to the stranger’s magic, you find yourself standing before a massive ziggurat made of green stone. The external stairwell leads straight to the top of the structure, which nearly scrapes the tiled barrier that forms the sky. Glancing over your shoulder, you see that there is an edge to the landmass upon which you stand. It seems that it floats in the middle of the magical sphere that had previously kept you away. Turning your attention back to the structure, you can sense an unbelievably dense concentration of aether somewhere deep inside. Naturally, you suspect that this is what you have come here to find.

You focus on your prize and reach out a hand. You feel the thin strands of aether that gently flow towards the mass, feeding it with the excess power of this realm’s upper regions. Shutting your eyes, you will yourself to dissolve into that flow and follow it into the depths of the ziggurat.

Nothing happens.

To your surprise, you are still unable to teleport. It occurs to you that the rabbit probably knew this would happen. You will surely need his help to return to the physical world, but he cannot join you until you have dealt with whatever was keeping him away in the first place. Maybe you should not have been so hostile in your first meeting. You are being manipulated either way, so you may as well have gotten more information on what it is that he needs from you. For now, though, there is little point in dwelling on the matter.

It takes you a few minutes to climb the massive staircase leading to the entrance. When you arrive, you see tiny holes in the floor beneath you and a heavy stone door blocking your path. Carved into its surface is a rough approximation of a human face. More importantly, you notice a shift in the aether. Like a gentle breeze changing direction, you feel that the same strands which had been feeding whatever lies within are now flowing into the door, powering some enchantment.

The markings carved into the door begin to glow with golden light. It becomes animate, focusing its gaze upon you as it speaks. “Who approaches this sacred place?”

“I am a traveler,” you say. “I come seeking an old and dangerous relic. Will you let me pass?”

Rather than answer your question, the door responds, “You are neither a human nor one of the ancients. How did you pierce the first barrier?”

Turning your gaze up towards the artificial sky, you consider how much information you wish to give this guardian construct. You settle on telling him, “A traveler helped me teleport to the interior of the sphere from its surface.”

“You speak of the second barrier. How did you pass the first?”

Taken aback, you are unsure how to respond. You think back to your journey up to this point, but you simply cannot recall anything else that would really qualify as a barrier. You answer as best you can, saying, “Before reaching the sphere, I traversed a region of the mental plane filled with confusing, half-remembered visions from foreign minds. Is this what you speak of?”

“A natural feature of the levels above us. This is not the work of my creators. I see you for what you are. You are neither the dream of a mortal nor a natural resident of this place. For a being of flesh and bone to enter this plane at all, it would be necessary to pass through or dispel the first barrier.”

Your dry throat stings. Though you consider the possibility that the traveler who sent you past the second barrier may have been responsible for dispelling the first, you have no real evidence to back up the idea. Besides, you have grown tired of speaking and do not wish to draw out this conversion any further. “I have told you all that I know. Let me pass or turn me away.”

The carving remains silent. Its glowing light begins to dim. After about a minute, you begin to wonder if you will need to find some other way to enter the ziggurat. Eventually, though, it replies, “Will you stand by your words? If they are true, then the way has been opened above, and I will let you pass. If they are false, then you will surely die.”

Feeling the aetheric threads around you, you briefly wonder if you can simply undo the enchantment that animates the door and thus bypass this ridiculous, dangerous test. You give up on the idea almost immediately. The magic is too ancient and too complex. Each thread has its own unique texture. Some are smooth like silk. They are hard to grasp, and they wind together in complex, delicate patterns that are nearly impossible to pull apart. Others are rough and painful, like cotton strings coated in powdered glass. They are woven less elegantly, but they wrap around the other threads, protecting them. Even attempting to pull them apart would surely do more harm to you than to the spell.

With no other option, you shut your eyes and nod at the guardian. Immediately, you sense some aether being diverted towards the mass below. A moment later, you feel some of it rising up, coming through the little round openings in the stone beneath you. Dry heat surrounds you on all sides. It does not burn you, though you do feel a searing headache as the heat somehow spreads into your mind, presumably to burn away any falsehoods. Opening your eyes, you see that you are wreathed in bright purple flames. Fortunately, you only endure the discomfort they cause for a few seconds longer before the aether ceases to flow downward and the fire disappears.

The door’s light fades away to nothing. It opens slowly, its sides grinding loudly against the stone surrounding it. The way is open, but it is too dark and your vision is too weak for you to see what lies just inside the ziggurat. Your usual way of sensing the world around you by feeling the aether is somewhat disrupted by the mass below, which draws your attention each time you try to focus on your surroundings. Fortunately, the threads that had been feeding the door now begin to spread out through the narrow passageway ahead, causing strange glyphs on the wall to glow. They produce only a little golden light, but it is enough.

As you take your first step into the building, you hear the door’s voice again. This time, it echoes from somewhere further inside. “Go with the blessing of the creators, traveler, but heed this warning: I was created to watch over a tomb. This is no treasure vault, nor is it some ancient repository of knowledge. Whatever you have come here to find, you will leave empty-handed.” 
Despite the warning, you know that there is something here. Perhaps it is not what you wanted to find, but you have come this far. You will not be dissuaded from your quest by the cryptic words of a slab of rock. For now, you focus on making your way through the narrow corridor.