40. Letter from a Witch to an Heir

Day 7
Moon 9
Teru 211

Dear Master Akio, 

I am sure you will be very happy to hear that your father has granted my request for reassignment to Atossa Island. It will take a few days to arrange for transport, but I am eager to serve at your side again. After all, someone has to protect you from the antiquated and stuffy ideas Galdr will no doubt try to force on you! Remember, Master Akio, an Exarch cannot allow himself to be ruled by the opinions of his underlings!

Before you left the Dromon, you asked me about some of the horrors rumored to exist in forgotten corners of the world. I am sorry that I could not answer you at the time. My work for your father kept me a bit too busy, I am afraid. Since then, I have had time to think on the matter. In my opinion, an evil that needs to hide in shadows can never be as powerful as the legends make it out to be. Those who are truly mighty neither need to boast about nor hide their strength. Riddle-spouting hags and monsters living in twisted dens will never inspire quite as much terror as dark warriors who do as they please without answering to higher powers or covering up their crimes.

I hope my advice has been of some help to you! Please tell Galdr that I am coming. It will help me to sleep well at night knowing that he is stewing in his own anger for the next few days. 

⸻Kodoku the Haruspex

39. A Written Report to the Exarch

Day 7
Moon 9
Teru 211


I am writing to you today regarding the expedition of the Ninth Droungarios to Atossa Island. So far, we have successfully claimed the sparsely populated southeastern coast and established communication with the small neighboring states. Unfortunately, our initial assessment of the political situation in this area was overly optimistic. As expected, neither the Lauric Protectorate nor House Bromia showed any desire to affiliate themselves with the Exarchate. Additionally, the colonists at Port Balica have refused to even meet with our envoys. The other states, at least, have responded more positively.

You will no doubt be pleased to hear that Master Akio has arrived safely at our encampment. I understand that you are concerned about his ideological leanings, and I am grateful that you have given me this opportunity to instill proper values into him. I promise you that he will, by the time he returns to the Dromon, be ready to wear the Omphalion Seal.

I will, of course, keep you informed about any future developments.

Your loyal servant,

Galdr the Scryer

38. A Diary Entry Regarding a Found Note

Y93 M01 D22



Dear diary,

Cloudy day today.

Think I was worried about nothing. Lil bro left me a sappy poem. He’s been in a better mood today. Might’ve just needed a little time and attention. Gotta toughen him up a little though. A guy can’t act so cute. It’s gonna get him in trouble. Maybe I’ll still try writing more poems with him anyway. It’ll make him happy in the meantime.

Probably my last diary entry for a little while. Bunch of researchers booked rooms, so we’re gonna be busy all day. Annoying, but I guess it’ll help keep lil bro’s mind off his stupid pen pal or whatever. I’ll let you know how it goes, diary.

37. A Note Slipped into a Diary

Y93 M01 D22

Big brother,

Thank you for cheering me up yesterday. I really liked your poem! I only wish that you didn’t feel so embarrassed about it, even if you are kind of cute when you’re feeling timid! I wanted to show you how much I appreciated it, so I wrote a little poem for you too! Here goes:

Fondness in your eyes

Revealing your affection.

I was so unwise

To forget your devotion.

Zealous brother, forgive me.

Sorry for reusing your z-word. I think we both had some trouble making it work! Maybe we can help each other write some time? I’d really love it if you’d do this with me more often. I understand if you didn’t find it very fun, though.


Your brother

36. A Diary Entry Born of Frustration

Y93 M01 D21



Dear diary,

Sunny day today.

Lil bro’s really worrying me. Never seen him read newspaper horoscopes before. Think he’s looking for some hope, but those things are all crap. 

Wanted to go walk in the woods together so we could talk again, but more of it’s been closed off. Guess the earthquake did more damage than they realized at first.

Couldn’t come up with a good poem the other night. Ended up making one up on the spot while we were mopping. Was really lame but cheered him up a little. Went like this: 

Friends and coworkers
Roommates and relatives
Always together
Never feel alone, brother
Zealously, I’ll be with you.

Kinda forced that last one, but I didn’t have a lot to work with. Guess it worked. Hugged me tight after. Not sure why I’m writing this down. Would definitely be embarrassed if anyone read my bad poem.

Hope he feels better soon. I’ll let you know how it goes, diary.

35. Abe-Iga Journal Horoscope Section

Horoscopes for Y93 M01 D21

by Dante de la Vega

Beetle (M01 D20 to M02 D18)

Expect warnings from beyond in the form of nightmares. Your love life will run into trouble because of issues with family. Look for opportunities at work but beware of schemers.

Vulture (M02 D19 to M03 D20)

Ambitious Beetles may get in your way at work. Push them out of the way gently, without confronting them directly. Now is a great time to purge your house of ill will and wicked spirits.

Monitor (M03 D21 to M04 D19)

It is a good time to confront your relatives about their toxic relationships. They will thank you for it in time. Just be careful not to jump to judgement too quickly. Don’t forget to pay the gods tribute.

Mantis (M04 D20 to M05 D20)

If you have lost touch with someone, now is the time to reach out. Do not be disheartened if they reject you. Remember they felt the pain of separation as well. Work diligently and keep out of office politics.

Hawk (M05 D21 to M06 D20)

This year, you should consider forgiving those who have hurt you. Be careful to separate those who are truly sorry from those who just want something. Your recent luck with money is coming to an end.

Serpent (M06 D21 to M07 D22)

Don’t be afraid to say no to bad deals. A Mantis may need to cry on your shoulder. Take the opportunity to strengthen your bonds. You will have an opportunity to profit at someone else’s expense.

Ant (M07 D23 to M08 D22)

Do not judge those around you too harshly. Keep in mind that everyone has flaws. They will remember your compassion later. Gather supplies for a future emergency.

Dove (M08 D23 to M09 D22)

Now is not the time to seek romance from Hawks. Reserve your heart for Crows and Vultures. A promotion is coming, but you must be ready to seize it before it is given to a Serpent or Beetle. 

Chameleon (M09 D23 to M10 D22)

Try some new foods this month. You may find your new favorite in an unexpected place. Work will be boring for a few weeks, which will give you more time to focus on love, possibly with a Cricket.

Cricket (M10 D23 to M11 D21)

Keep to your normal routine and let love come to you. It is not a good time for external experimentation, so you should instead focus on developing yourself internally. Meditation is the key.

Crow (M11 D22 to M12 D21)

A loved one will bring you good news in a dream. It will take some work on your part to make it come true, however. Seek help from Doves but avoid Crickets and Geckos. 

Gecko (M12 D22 to M01 D19)

You have been working on a personal project for some time. It is time to really give it your all, though you should not compromise your current commitments. Take advantage of your good luck this month.

Today, we are also happy to announce that we will be polling readers regarding a proposed expansion to our journal’s horoscope section! Please use the enclosed postcard to respond to this simple yes or no question:

Would you like the Abe-Iga Journal to add an additional page so that we can include authentic Northward-style horoscopes based on their day-by-day system of astrology? The reverse of the page will include celebrity stories relevant to the horoscopes, as well as a single half-page advertisement.

34. The Extinguished: Prologue, Part 6

As the rectangular platform lands in the next room, you notice a pair of mechanical guards standing at attention. Each one is about three meters tall, with smooth metal skin and features that bring to mind some sort of anthropomorphic monitor lizard. Glancing up at one of the halberds they wield, you see yourself reflected on its light green surface.

“Good afternoon,” the two say in unison, speaking loudly enough that anyone else in the room would easily be able to hear them. “It is an honor to be in your presence, Lady Aurata of…”

“That is quite enough,” your companion—Lady Aurata, apparently—interrupts. “His Royal Highness and the others have not yet arrived. There is no need for you to announce our presence.”

The constructs do not respond. Instead, they simply return to silently guarding the doorway and, presumably, waiting to greet the next person to pass through.

“If you ever have the time, Toku,” the lady says, “you really must adjust those two. It becomes so tiresome to have to silence them every time I come visit you!”

You just nod at her as you take a look around. The room is probably the largest you have seen thus far, though you have become less impressed by the scale of the stellar palace over time. The ceiling must be about fifty meters above you, and the walls of the square chamber are perhaps one hundred meters in length. While the middle of the chamber leaves plenty of room in which a visitor might move around, the space near each wall is filled with complex machinery. Metallic pipes jut out of spherical tanks standing on claw-feet, huge gears decorated with scrollwork grind against one another, and electricity arches between thin rods behind green-tinted glass. 

All the way against the opposite wall, you see the most impressive piece of machinery in the room. It towers above everything else, reaching from the floor to the ceiling. The whole thing is quite decorative, having been designed to look like three statues holding a crystal orb between them. The upper statue is of a phoenix in flight, which grips the top of the orb in its talons. The lower two statues, one as reptilian as the guards and the other as insectoid as your current form, hold it up in their hands. The sphere itself is too cloudy to clearly see what is inside, but you can tell that, whatever it is, it is constantly flickering. For the first time since awakening, you can feel a real mass of aether again, though it is difficult to make out through the increasingly thick fog. You suspect that, whatever is inside that crystal, it is responsible for both powering the palace and producing the haze that has been confusing your senses.

Lady Aurata is saying something, but you are not really paying attention. You begin to approach the mysterious crystal, wishing to inspect it more closely. Could this be the treasure you have come here to find? Admittedly, you only know a few vague facts about your prize: it belonged to a great empire; it was immensely powerful; it threatened all worlds. This is supposedly nothing more than an engine, but… with what you have experienced so far, you find it difficult to imagine that it isn’t, at the very least, important enough to examine.

You stop when you hear the loud hiss of steam and the rumbling of heavy machinery moving aside. Turning to your right, you see a small passage opening up, allowing someone else to enter. He is a bipedal crow dressed in a tailcoat, breeches, and a waistcoat. What is most striking to you about his appearance is his coloration. His feathers are a very dark blue, almost bordering on black, while his beak is bright yellow. His outfit is mostly charcoal grey, except for the white neckcloth he has tied into a bow. He fixes his red eyes on you, giving you a rather harsh look.

“Oh!” the lady exclaims. “Lord Bennetti! I expected you would be with His Royal Highness at the moment!”

It takes a second or two before he shifts his gaze over to her, and his expression softens when he finally does so. “Yes, well, I had not seen the chief engineer in a few days. I wanted to be sure that the containment systems were functioning normally. It would not do for the entire system to fall apart while His Royal Highness is visiting!” 

Lady Aurata catches up to you and holds onto your right arm as she smiles at the bird. “Well, here he is! Honestly, Lord Bennetti, you worry too much. Tok—I mean, Lord Grantii would never leave the engine in anything less than perfect condition!”

The crow huffs a bit at her response but ultimately nods his head. “Fine, fine. Even so, it is dangerous to leave it unattended. You should have at least ordered one of the junior engineers to oversee it! Still, there were no major issues to be found, so I suppose it is fine.” He turns to your companion as he adds, “That said, I do wish to have a word with Lord Grantii regarding His Royal Highness’s safety when inspecting the machinery. I believe he is already on his way. Would you be comfortable entertaining him for a moment while the two of us do one final check? It would be quite scandalous if he were to be injured while in our care!”

“I cannot imagine that it is really necessary,” she answers, even as she begins to walk back towards the door. “As I said, Lord Grantii is never careless with the machinery. If it calms your nerves a bit, though, I can find some way to distract Prince Aethon. Not for very long, though. I understand he has been asking about it since before leaving Brae!” 

“We will not take long, Lady Aurata, and I will be forever in your debt if you stall him for even a few brief seconds.” 

You stand beside the crow awkwardly as the two of you watch her disappear through the door. As soon as she is gone, he turns to you, grabbing you by the arms and pinning them to your sides. You see a certain fury in his eyes as he looks down his beak at you.

“Who are you?” he demands.

33. The Extinguished: Prologue, Part 5

The stellar palace is more splendorous than anything you have ever seen before. As you walk through its massive hallways, you pass all manner of marvelous sight: living mosaics that recite the epic poems they depict; pools of liquid metal that rise up to form three-dimensional copies of yourself and your companion when you come into range; miniature constellations floating above slabs of metal that you can only assume serve as altars; mechanical guardians that prostrate themselves before you and thank you for gracing them with your presence; behemoths with scales like steel plates and teeth like swords that, despite their terrifying appearance, beg for your attention like touch-starved pets when they see you. You can only imagine how much more glorious they would seem if they were not all in varying shades of green, just like everything else you have seen since entering.

You realize that you must have been walking for at least half an hour now, and you vaguely recall that your companion wanted you to meet with some sort of royal. “The…” 

That first attempt to speak comes out a bit strained after having been quiet for so long again. Your companion gives you a curious look, so you clear your throat and try again. “How long will he be here? The… ah… the prince?” 

She tilts her head and raises a small ridge above her eye that you imagine stands in for a brow. “How long? What a strange question to ask, Toku! Are you quite certain that you are feeling alright? You really do spend far too much time alone these days! I fear it is beginning to affect you.”

Frankly, you have no idea why this would be an odd question. Assuming that you have made some sort of cultural blunder, you mutter an apology.

“Oh, there is no need for that, Toku! I hope you did not take my concern as more than what it is. As always, His Royal Highness will stay with us until he grows bored!” 

It seems a bit risky, but you decide to pursue the line of questioning just a single step further. “Ah. And… how long is that? Typically, I mean?” 

She hums to herself, bringing a finger up to her chin. “It is so difficult to say. I am still confused by why you are worrying so much about this of all things, but perhaps it is only because you want to be sure you do not miss your opportunity to impress, yes? Based on what I have heard from the other houses, the earliest he has ever ended a visit was two, perhaps three decades after his arrival.”

Seemingly taking your baffled expression as continued worry, she goes on to say, “Oh, but that was ages ago! He has grown far more patient since then!” Taking on a low, conspiratorial tone, she adds, “Besides, that was when he was visiting House Manumea. Is it really any surprise that His Royal Highness could not stand them for very long?” 

Thankfully, you are spared having to respond to the gossipy insectoid, since you soon come to a metal door decorated with an eight-rayed sun and a crescent moon arranged on opposite sides of what you believe must be an image of a planet in the middle of the door. It is at least 15 meters in height, and, unlike the others you have passed through on your way here, it does not open automatically when you approach.

Reaching out her hand, your companion shoots a tiny bolt of electricity out of her fingertips. It strikes the metal planet, and you realize that what you believed to be elements of a relief are actually the moving parts of a lock. An artificial approximation of a thunderclap comes from somewhere deep inside the door, then the planet spins in place, sinking further into the door as it does so. After several turns, it suddenly stops, then begins to split apart down the middle. Each half disappears into the larger door, creating an opening just large enough to allow two or three people to walk through comfortably. 

Just as you begin to wonder how you are meant to get up to the newly-open door, a thin line of lime green light begins to form on the floor in front of you. It passes your companion, then makes a sharp right turn. From there, it goes on to make a rectangle around the two of you. You nearly lose your balance when a thin slice of the floor rises up, taking you both with it as it flies up through the passage.

32. Article in the Abe-Iga Journal

Metropolitan Governor Shinji Shinjuku Attends Naite Town Sports Festival

Son defeats festival champion in exhibition match
by Norberto Scritte
Y93 M01 D20

Yesterday afternoon, Sarashi City Metropolitan Governor Shinji Shinjuku and his family attended the annual sports festival in Naite. Students from around the town participated in various events, including a friendly football game between the two local high schools, an open martial arts competition, and a bicycle race around the perimeter of the town. 

“I am proud to see our youth taking such an interest in sports,” Mr. Shinjuku said during the opening ceremony. “Modern life can be very distracting to young people, so it is good that so many are still focused on more traditional ways of entertaining themselves while building up their strength and learning new skills.”

In what is thought to be an attack on the All Westward Card Tournament being held in Sarashi City that same day, he went on to say, “Maybe I am just growing old, but I cannot help but think that we—that is to say, parents like myself—often allow our children to spend too much time on amusements that keep them inside, sitting on sofas, and learning nothing. There is a time and place for simply relaxing, yes, but it pains me to see how some of these hobbies can waste a child’s time and a parent’s money without providing anything of value. These are games that do not require players to be clever, skilled, or strong. They only require money and good luck. I hope that fathers and mothers across the country will take a lesson from the parents of the fine young men and women in Naite, who have pushed their children to invest time in more worthwhile pastimes.”

Mr. Shinjuku has long been an opponent of popular card games like Lamentation, which he has publicly called a gateway to gambling. In more recent years, he has also expressed concerns about the trend of students spending less time socializing out in the world and more time communicating with strangers on bulletin board systems and online chat rooms. Several publications aimed at the sorts of parents who share his concerns have used the governor’s own son, Shimei Shinjuku, as an example of how older styles of parenting can produce well-rounded, healthy children.

The Shinjuku family seems to have embraced the way they are depicted by such media outlets, as Shimei Shinjuku agreed to fight the winner of the boy’s branch of the sports festival’s martial arts competition in an exhibition match. His match with Kyouya Kaito lasted less than one minute, during which time Mr. Kaito landed only one blow on his opponent. Shimei Shinjuku proved himself to be gracious in victory, as he bowed and thanked Mr. Kaito for the opportunity to participate in the festival.

Not everyone reacted well to the Shinjuku family’s visit to Naite, however. Ms. Yua Sato, the winner of the girl’s branch of the competition and two-time champion of the Sarashi High School Fighter’s Cup, Girl’s Division, expressed frustration that Shimei Shinjuku would not accept her own challenge on the grounds that he is uncomfortable fighting a woman. 

“This traditionalist [nonsense] doesn’t belong in our government,” she told reporters. “The highest level of the Sarashi Fighter’s Cup doesn’t separate fighters based on gender, and it shouldn’t separate the youth divisions either, if you ask me. That little [coward] Shinjuku’s gotta know that, right? I know he fights in the boy’s division! So why does he feel like he can come here and pretend I’m less of a fighter? He can act like he’s got a big [ego] because he beat up Kyouya, but I won’t believe he’s anything more than a sexist [jerk] until he fights someone from our town who actually competes in the same regional competitions as him.” [Original quote altered to remove expletives].  

It remains to be seen if the Shinjuku family will take Ms. Sato’s criticism to heart. The Naite Town Sports festival is the first of many sporting events taking place in the metropolitan area during the academic spring semester. Usually, Mr. Shinjuku attends at least one event in each of the towns making up the region he governs. For the last twenty years, he has always finished his tour with the Haramaki Town Sports Festival, which is the last to be held before students go on summer break. This means that there will be plenty of opportunities for him and his family to reconsider this policy of not competing directly with female fighters.

31. Conversation on a Bulletin Board System

###        #         ###
## #    ##     # ##
  ## ## ### ##
    ###  ####
The #1 BBS in Westward

From: AdminBot01
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1920 S59
Message: SharkyMe777 has logged on. 

From: SharkyMe777
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1921 S42
Message: Hey. Everyone doing alright? Was out of town but heard there was an earthquake. 

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1921 S51
Message: mdr old news. wasnt a big deal. they just closed off some roads in the woods for like a day.

From: Vulcanologist112
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1922 S03

From: Vulcanologist112
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1922 S05
Message: Sorry caps.

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1922 S08
Message: seriously? there overeacting. it was just a little rumble. 

From: SharkyMe777
To: Public
Date:  Y93 M01 D19 H1922 S12
Message: It had to be more than a little rumble. I heard about it while I was still up north. Doubt it would make national news if it wasn’t big.

From: Vulcanologist112
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1922 S018
Message: Db is downplaying the whole thing. It damaged a hospital in Tanmono and everything. 

From: SharkyMe777
To: Public
Date:  Y93 M01 D19 H1922 S24
Message: Oh wow. Did anyone get hurt?

From: Vulcanologist112
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1922 S29
Message: No one that Ive heard of.

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1922 S33
Message: couple rooms in a big hospital. so wut? tell us about the trip.

From: SharkyMe777
To: Public
Date:  Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S02
Message: It wasn’t that interesting. I was just checking out a college near Cape Yonaguni. The tour only took a couple hours, so I spent most of the weekend on the beach, haha. 

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S08
Message: so lazy mdr!

From: Vulcanologist112
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S13
Message: Did you like the college?

From: SharkyMe777
To: Public
Date:  Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S21
Message: It was okay. My first choice is Sarashi, but this place has a good computer science program too. I liked being so close to the coast too, obviously.

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S28
Message: see any sharks there sharky?

From: SharkyMe777
To: Public
Date:  Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S37
Message: Thankfully, I didn’t, haha. 

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S44
Message: thankfully? we all no ur a furry sharky. 

From: Vulcanologist112
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S51
Message: Is it still a furry if the animal doesnt have fur?

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S55
Message: scaly then. watever. 

From: SharkyMe777
To: Public
Date:  Y93 M01 D19 H1924 S17
Message: Sharks actually have dermal denticles. They’re closer to teeth than to the scales of other fish.

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S22
Message: so ur a toothy mdr! 

From: SharkyMe777
To: Public
Date:  Y93 M01 D19 H1924 S31
Message: I can’t really deny it anymore, since both of you have seen my drawings, haha. It’s pretty different from actually wanting to be eaten by a shark though. 

From: AdminBot01
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S35
Message: ModTsukuyomi has logged on.

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S36
Message: ur a pretty boring toothy if u think that.

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1923 S38
Message: hey tsuku. 

From: ModTsukuyomi
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1924 S06
Message: hi lsrs. h8 2 intrpt ur stpd frry tlk bt i wna no if ur cmng 2 t cn ds wknd. 

From: SharkyMe777
To: Public
Date:  Y93 M01 D19 H1924 S25
Message: I’m sorry? I don’t think I can really understand you, Tsukuyomi.

From: DragonBrunhilda
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1924 S27
Message: mdr 

From: Vulcanologist112
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1924 S38
Message: Dont worry about it Sharky. Tsuku just wants to know if were going to BulletinCon this weekend. You should totally come actually. The name doesnt sound exciting but its full of all kinds of network admins and other professionals. Good networking opportunity. 

From: ModTsukuyomi
To: Public
Date: Y93 M01 D19 H1924 S45
Message: dnt m8 it snd s0 lme vlcn!

From: SharkyMe777
To: Public
Date:  Y93 M01 D19 H1924 S49
Message: That does sound fun, actually. Can one of you send me the details in a private message?